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Online seminars

Progress is not a coincidence, but a necessity. (H. Spencer)

Online seminars are an invaluable opportunity to get all the knowledge you need and answers to your questions without leaving home, office or even traveling. New technologies make it possible to hear and see not only the lecturers, but also colleagues studying together, sharing slides and planning changes. Such training can last from one hour to several months of intensive work.

Increasingly, coaching sessions are also conducted remotely. They are especially suitable for busy people who value their time. The time saved for travel can be spent on individual practice, implementation of discovered decisions or commitments.

Educational seminars

Educational seminars are well-measured solutions. Will the new methodology really be interesting and useful to me? Does the lecturer convey knowledge properly? You will receive answers to these and other necessary questions in 1.5 hours. training.

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Eneagrams Practice Course (Lt)

Eneagrama Practice course is designed for those who want to better understand people’s behavioral motives, thinking patterns, discover ways to hatch communication. Acquired knowledge makes it easier to accept yourself and others. By understanding what subconscious deficits we are constantly trying to compensate for, we can change our beliefs, look for new ways of self-realization and improvement.

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Training of coaching specialists (Lt)

The Professional Coaching Specialist program is designed for those who want to master coaching techniques and methodology and use them in their daily activities. Highly recommended for managers, business and management consultants, training managers, personnel specialists and of course psychologists. The program is based on the ICU standard.

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Coaching sessions

Coaching session is a purposeful conversation during which the coaching specialist helps the client to understand his goals, motives and the most effective ways of acting. During the session, the client models alternatives for solving the problem, learns new behaviors, analyzes past situations, and develops future opportunities. Sessions are conducted remotely.

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We had a goal to learn how to work more smoothly, delegate tasks, give feedback. The playful and illustrative presentation of knowledge is definitely the merit of the lecturer. The training simply engulfed and sparked a deeper interest. It is now easier to predict whether an employee is suitable for a particular position, what tasks will perform flawlessly, what motivations motivate them to act.
These trainings are useful not only for productive work in a team, but also in personal life.

Jolita Buračienė

Kad gautumei tokias struktūruotas, koncentruotas, o tuo pačiu pavyzdžiais iliustruotas žinias - nepakaktų ir kalno psichologinių knygų perskaitymo :)
Lektorė Reda - puiki profesionalė! Aiškiai dėliojo akcentus, nuosekliai perteikė medžiagą, atidžiai sekė dalyvių refleksijas.
Man buvo vienas stipriausių ir giliausių seminarų apie savo ir aplinkos elgesį, reakcijas, tarpusavio santykius, plečiantį suvokimą, iš kur tai kyla. Buvo vietų, kai sau pačiai erzulį keliantys "įstrigimai" nušvito iki BINGO!!
Įdomu, naudinga, praktiška ir veiksminga - tereikia nuoseklumo palaikant "vidinio stebėtojo" įgūdį.

Vita Mačiulė / Neuroedukatorė. Neurografikos instruktorė

The strength of the training is the work of the lecturer. Structure, clarity, specificity, a lot of information, but everything is arranged on clear shelves. During the lecture, there are many examples that help to better understand, and at the same time become more involved. Eneagrama is a particularly fascinating paradox for me: at first glance, it may seem like it’s putting people on certain shelves, but there are deep mechanisms inside it. When I started studying, it didn't stop, I fell in love and now I see it everywhere.

Paulina Botyriūtė

How to become a good coach? I have been skeptical of coaching and coaching for a long time. It still seemed to me that they were baking like pancakes during Mardi Gras. But after a coaching session with Reda Slavinskaitė, the ice cream moved in the right direction. I want to be a coaching specialist and thank you for that, Reda.
I can confidently recommend you to people who stand at the crossroads of choices and lack the courage to go the right way.

Darius Rupšlaukis

It was important for me to discover a methodology for deeper knowledge of people, to understand their behavioral motives, thinking patterns. The diagram met the requirements. A very great format for training: lectures and their recording for repetition of things heard, a small group, homework done in pairs - a great opportunity to repeat the material and communicate with interesting people. I highly recommend it because Reda sincerely shares and conveys knowledge perfectly.

Agnė Anaitė

Mokymo metu labai patiko lektorės kompetencija, patrauklus, betarpiškas, nuoširdus, šiltas, lengvas žinių pateikimas. Buvo naudingos tikslingai skiriamos namų užduotys, kurios padėjo įtvirtinti savo žinias praktikoje. Labai džiaugiuosi konkrečia dalomąja medžiaga, kurią bet kada galiu turėti po ranka.
Labai patiko išsamios žinios apie asmenybės sveikumo ir išsivystymo lygius, apie projekcijas psichoterapiniuose santykiuose. Sužinojau kaip pagal eneagramos tipus suprasti žmonių motyvus, strategijas, pažinti savo pliusus ir minusus.

Aida Bijanskienė / Gimnazijos mokytoja

Personal development, new knowledge and skills have always been and are important to me in life. But no less important is their applicability in the workplace, in achieving goals and improving relationships with employees and among colleagues.
In Redo’s training, and especially in Eneagram, I found answers to myself on how to work better in a team, to whom to delegate work, and what changes need to be made to make work more productive.

Donata Uchockienė

I had to take part in many of Reda's trainings, which help to improve both himself and the team. The trainings of Coaching and Eneagram were the most useful for me, because I learned about new methodologies that are perfectly applicable both at work and in personal life.
I appreciate the lecturer's work perfectly, the teaching style, speed, timbre and presentation of all info are suitable. I would recommend this training to all companies, starting with managers.

Erika Gudeliūnaitė

I wanted to get to know myself and other people better, to learn what principles to follow in order to select the best employees, to understand them, to motivate them properly, to help a newly hired person to get involved in the company's activities faster.
My sincere thanks to the wonderful lecturer Redai for her ideas and valuable lessons. I gained a lot of new knowledge that I had already started to apply in my company. I am sure it will bring great results both at work and in personal life.

Lina Jokubauskienė

Labai patiko pati mokymų sistema, kuri buvo įvairiapusiška:
- suteikta galimybė "išlipti" iš komforto zonos ir bendrauti, diskutuoti ir mokytis su nepažįstamais žmonėmis, tačiau netrūko ir individualių užduočių;
- užduotys įdomios ir praktiškos. šiuolaikiškos;
- patraukli ir susisteminta mokymų medžiaga;
- buvo suteikta galimybė dalintis savo išgyvenimais, jausmais ir mintimis;
- šilta ir maloni atmosfera;
Lektorė visada gerai nusiteikusi, motyvuojanti ir skatinanti pasitempti.

Karolina Šneiderytė / Grožio specialistė

I felt tension at work, which made it difficult to communicate with colleagues and managers. During the sessions, the most enjoyed was the opportunity to get to know and understand oneself better and the specific methods of not taking everything to heart. The ability to separate emerging emotions from the information you actually want to convey is now very helpful.
I think most should improve their emotion management skills. Understand ourselves and what is going on in us. Then it is much easier to come to terms with those around you.

Jekaterina Žilinskaja

Very interesting, relevant and useful trainings. They provided me with both new knowledge and confirmation of the real benefits and applicability of the methods I already use.
Thanks to the lecturer for her professionalism and great adaptation to the audience. I don’t remember such fan training! Telydi success.

Audrius Kurlavičius

The company encouraged me to take part in the training, I wanted to know what it is and how to use it in work practice. I enjoyed all the practical tasks, the theoretical knowledge.
I appreciate the work of the lecturer very positively, I like the presentation of knowledge, great examples and it is very easy to understand everything. I learned to tolerate others more, to listen, not to finger my opinion. The training also gave me more self-confidence and inner peace.

Julija Biveinienė

I participated in distance learning about metaphorical cards. It was a new tool and methodology for working with clients for me, so it was important to get the most comprehensive knowledge and ways to use it. The lecturer presented all the information in a concise, clear and understandable way. I applied the acquired knowledge perfectly at work.
I highly recommend it to all practicing coaching professionals as it is a great tool to help during coaching sessions.

Loreta Kazlauskaitė

It was important for me to learn how to avoid stress in a heavy workload and when interacting with angry customers. I really enjoyed explaining my personality type and how to handle it to keep stress to a minimum. I applied the acquired knowledge not only in work, but also in personal life.
Highly recommended to anyone who wants to get to know and improve themselves better.

Miglė Stumbrienė

I really enjoyed the training because the lecturer led them in an interesting and just enchanting way! Lots of new knowledge and practice. My life has personally changed dramatically thanks to these teachings. I am very grateful and happy!
I definitely recommend Redo’s training to everyone because it teaches you how to overcome both personal and work problems.

Olga Dudoit

Very interesting and relevant coaching application training. During them, you look at yourself, rethink your goals, think about how you interact with others. It becomes clear what and how should be changed for everyone.
Lecturer super! I really enjoyed the many examples of applying practical knowledge in the training.

Monika Rajeckaitė

Mokymai išties naudingi ir dėkinga Redai, kad skatino aktyviai dalyvauti, domėtis, galima buvo drąsiai klausti ir į kiekvieną klausimą gautas atsakymas. Patiko, kad tai nėra sausa teorija, o daug praktikos, įžvalgų, atradimų, situacijų aptarimų ir pavyzdžių. Nors Eneagrama yra apie tipus ir lyg suponuoja, kad viskas yra apibrėžta ir niekur čia nesidėti, bet savo ir kitų tipų pažinimas man suteikė tam tikros laisvės, kad turiu "savybių rinkinį", polinkį reaguoti į situacijas ir kitus žmones tam tikru būdu, bet tuo pačiu Eneagrama yra ir apie dinamiką, galimybes augti.

Tatjana Voitechovič / Personalo specialistė

Man svarbu pažinti save ir aplinką, žmonių mąstymo šablonus ir elgesio modelius. Lektorės profesionalumo ir išsamių mokymų dėka, įgyjau daug naudingų žinių asmenybės tipus, jų vertybes ir įsitikinimus.
Rekomenduoju visiems einantiems sąmoningu raidos keliu. Taip pat įmonių vadovams siekiantiems inovatyvių perspektyvų dirbant su kolektyvu, bei sprendžiant komandos suderinamumo klausimus.

Mindaugas Staniulis / ,,Massage Therapy & Body Energy Balance", Savininkas

Lektorė nuostabi, dėmesinga, išmananti savo darbą. Mokymai priminė, kad tą pačią situaciją mes matome skirtingai, todėl nereikia primetinėti savo įžvalgų ar nuomonės klientui, o SVARBIAUSIAI visi atsakymai ir sprendimo būdai yra mūsų viduje, tik reikia padėti tai išsiaiškinti.
Patiko teorija, praktika ir namų darbai, galėjau iškart pajausti kortelių teikiamą naudą. Mokymai praverstų visiems, norintiems labiau pažinti save, savo šeimą, aplinką. Dirbantiems su vaikais, jaunimu, suaugusiais, darbuotojų kolektyve: mokytojams, psichologams, personalo specialistams ir kt.

Vilija Austienė / VŠĮ Medicinos ir socialinių tyrimų institutas

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